Retrieving "Lost-for-Good" Files - Corel WordPerfect, Microsoft Works Files and More
There is good news for those among you who have word processing or spreadsheet files from back before MS Office became so dominant.
Many of us used to use WordPerfect and other programs published by Corel Software, but have not been able to open those files since Microsoft bought up the company and discontinued support for the old word processing favorite.
Countless other computer users relied for years on MicrosoftWorks for letter writing and documents. It was pre-installed on many of our computers in the past and seemed like it would always be around - but Microsoft retired the program.
Yet another software loss was the discontinuation of support for importing Lotus files into today's dominant spreadsheet software, Excel.
Even though there are many websites that do online file conversions, that is not an efficient way to convert multiple files - sometimes large numbers of files - from and old format to a new compatible format.
Contact the webmaster here for help using one of these conversion apps.
So if you have folders of older files that you have note been able to open with Word or Excel or the like, converting, opening, editng and printing them now is now possible and affordable.
If these files happen to be stored on a floppy disk, that is no problem. I've recently reinstalled a floppy drive on one of my own machines, so even 3.5 floppy files are not lost.