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Also see: Entertaining and Hilarious Books of "Internet Memes" from Amazon

This "computer tip" is not particularly technical or serious - just a bit entertaining for those of us who spend time online.

Most of us using the Internet for social websites like Facebook or Pinterest see a lot of captioned pictures that people share with each other.

These are known as "Memes".

What are they and how did they originate?

Buddy Gavin at HowToGeek.Com has posted a great piece on just this topic.

Most of the "memes" that I see are intended as inspirational, humorous or empathetic ideas that related to thoughts or feelings shared by many people or niches of people.

Some relate to political or cultural observations, sometimes ironic or sarcastic. Others are as universal as celebrating characteristics of cats or dogs.

An essential element of an internet meme that makes it different from other visuals posted on the Internet is that they are meant to be seen and evolve into new expressions in full view of large numbers of people online.

One of the earlies examples of a meme on the internet might be the "dancing baby" video slice that ultimately appeared on Ally McBeal.

Here is the web address for Gavin's article:

Come back here for a visit soon though. I may just share a few of my own favorite "meme sites".